Bella nicknamed "Battling Bella", was a lawyer, Congresswoman, social activist and a leader of the Women's Movement. – Wikipedia A powerful orator, Abzug mobilized women: “I always try to get my message across, but in different ways, with reason: with emotion and with humor.” — Bella Abzug in “Particular Passions: Talks with Women who Shaped our Times”
Like all great orators she honed her skill although not like Churchill who was known to practice with pebbles in his mouth.
Winston Churchill © Yousuf Karsh [1941]
Read the moving chapter of a woman of passionate temperament who effected change for women and generations of women to come.
- Amazon - Apple A good read and bargain at $.99
One of “Particular Passion’s” numerous reviews:
"A forceful inspiration—a revelation of woman’s courage, spirit, and strength.” — Sey Chassler, Editor in Chief, Redbook.